SAP’s relies on its diverse ERP customers and experience to capitalize on the industrial IoT.
Hackathon winners cleverly avoid the billions of IoT sensor truck rolls needed to help visually impaired people navigate by using sounds instead of sensors.
Researchers designed an IoT network using sound and motion sensors that estimates public space utilization. The ideas can be applied to other IoT sensor networks.
IoT growth depends on an open ecosystem. It cannot wait, nor can it be like Apple and take from the ecosystem without contributing.
Server makers may be turning to industry verticals such as machine learning to restore growth.
The Publisher/Subscriber model could circumvent the long wait for ubiquitous IoT connectivity.
Microsoft researchers built an autonomous sailplane to answer a scientific question that applies to building robust digital assistants, IoT devices and autonomous vehicles.
Security standards will not protect the emerging IoT platform that will remain vulnerable until post-platform security arrives.
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