
  • United States

Seeking IDE tools

Apr 16, 20082 mins
Eclipse FoundationEnterprise Applications

I inherited a development project in which the work has been done with the Minimal GNU for Windows (MinGW) tools and I am looking for an integrated development environment (IDE) that can pull everything together for us. Eventually we need to be able to deliver the product for Linux and possibly Macintosh platforms as well as for Windows. Are there any IDE tools for MinGW you would recommend?

There are Eclipse-based C/C++ IDE packages available that work with MinGW. The C Development Tools (CDT) project home page  is the place to start if you are familiar with Eclipse or want to be able to build up a development environment to work with your installed MinGW tools. The CDT FAQ contains links to a variety of documentation about how to install and use the Eclipse-based C/C++ development environment. The project downloads page  also contains information about the steps to take to get the CDT installed and running on your systems. The easiest way to install the C/C++ IDE tools is to install the base Eclipse platform and then use the Eclipse software update option in the Help menu to install the rest of the required components. If you would like to start with an all-in-one installer package that includes everything needed for C/C++ development, including MinGW, take a look at the Wascana Sourceforge project, where you can download a self-contained version of the Eclipse C/C++ IDE.